Category Archives: Uncategorized

Cannabis and Wellness: How Marijuana Can Fit into a Healthy Lifestyle

Death Bubba Macro

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in attitudes towards marijuana. Once stigmatized, cannabis is now increasingly recognized for its potential wellness benefits and its ability to complement a healthy lifestyle. As legalization spreads and research progresses, more individuals are exploring how marijuana can fit into their wellness routines, even purchasing it from […]

Cannabis-Infused Hard Candy – How to Make Cannabis Lollipops


For the longest time, you’ve probably lived through the same cycle when it came to all things cannabis. You would either smoke a joint or vape a bowl, maybe sink into a couch-lock high due to you consuming a THC oil-based alcohol tincture, and certainly eat through a few packets of organic sugar sweets in the hours that followed after smoking a joint or sublingually ingesting a cannabis tincture.