Greenhouse cannabis delivers premium grade buds cultivated in a controlled environment that leverages natural sunlight and is grown entirely WITHOUT chemicals. This method of cultivation combines the environmental control of indoor growing with the sustainability and terpene-rich quality of outdoor cultivation, making for sustainable yet high quality crops. One major benefit of greenhouse weed is the fact that it is completely organic!

Greenhouse Weed FAQs

Yes, our greenhouse cannabis is grown completely natural without the use of chemicals which are typically used for indoor grown buds. Additionally, there are no artificial lights in use as the greenhouse harnesses the power of natural sunlight to both feed the plants and maintain an optimal temperature to strive.

The main benefit of greenhouse grown weed is the fact that more terpenes are maintained throughout the cultivation process compared to other cultivation methods. This is thanks to the natural sunlight which helps develop a rich and complex terpene profile making for some truly tasty buds.

Testing wise, organic greenhouse cannabis can get close to the same levels of THC and terpenes that you would typically find in an indoor grow. They may not be the best looking buds however they sure get the same job done!

Cheap Ounces

Headband Greenhouse

(1) $40.00
(1) $40.00
(6) $40.00
(1) $40.00
(1) $150.00$750.00